MONDAY FEBRUARY 10 Special Council Meeting 2pm Meeting Details, Agenda, Watch Live Link HERE
Council Meeting- 7pm Meeting Details, Agenda, Watch Live Link HERE
Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee Meeting Meeting Details, Agenda, Watch Live Link HERE
The Decision Making Process For City Council
The Process Begins In One Of Our Three Standing Committee Meetings
In these meetings staff present a report on an issue that provides recommendations based on the research they did, citizen engagement results received and their certified professional advice. Councillors discuss and debate the report and will vote for or against the recommendation, amend it, or defer it for further clarification and information and consider it again later. If it passes in a Committee meeting, it comes to the next Council meeting where Council members vote for, or against it again.
Community and Infrastructure Services Committee: This is where we consider operational issues in our community services and infrastructure services. Issues that affect programs and services like our roads, traffic calming, recreation programs and facilities, parks, our neighbourhood strategy and our community centres.
Finance and Corporate Services Committee: This is where we consider issues in the finance and corporate services department. This includes our budget, user fees, agreements, contracts, labour relations and licensing.
Planning and Strategic Initiatives Committee: This is where we consider matters from our planning and engineering departments related to City growth like zone changes. We also chart our strategic planning where we select the priorities we need to deliver to you and all Kitchener citizens.
After Committee Meetings Issues Move On To Council Meetings
The decisions made in each standing committee are put together as a report that is submitted for the next Council Meeting. At the Council meeting Councillors can vote for or against the decisions reached at the standing committee meetings. Once something passes at a Council Meeting, it becomes official and what is approved comes to be.
At Council Meetings, Councillors also make decisions on other municipal matters like passing bylaws. We also hear from delegations who make presentations on matters before council.
Standing Committee and Council meetings are held on Mondays. You are most welcome to attend any meeting and appear as delegation in any meeting. For the complete listing of Council and Committee meetings and how to register as a delegation please click the appropriate button below. Your participation is always welcomed and appreciated.
If you can't attend a meeting in person, Council and Standing Committees are streamed live on the internet and archived so you can watch previous meetings you're interested in. Rogers TV 20 records Council meetings and plays them at a later date.