When the Zone Change Application needed for a school to be built by the Waterloo Catholic District School Board at 20 Woolner Trail came to Council's Planning & Strategic Initiatives Committee meeting on October 30, 2023 a number of student safety concerns were raised by residents and myself. To give our staff and myself time to investigate resolving these issues, I made a motion to defer the decision on this to the December 11 Council meeting. At the December 11 Council meeting, I made another motion to further defer the decision to the January 22, 2024 Council meeting to allow further investigation with staff from The City of Kitchener, Region of Waterloo and WCDSB for resolving the safety issues.
Multiple and significant discussions with collaboration and a shared desire to address student safety issues have taken place. I further arranged an on-site meeting that took place on Friday January 12 where 18 key staff members and Directors from the Region of Waterloo, WCDSB and City of Kitchener took place. Mayor Berry Vrbanovic attended along with Regional Chair Karen Redman and Councillors Kari Williams and Colleen James. Tyrone Dowling, the Director of Education for the WCDSB also attended. At this meeting, Kitchener's General Manager of Development Services provided an update created by our Director of Transportation Services, Barry Cronkite that explained the progress made by each stakeholder on the issues that have been raised.
There was a very good discussion and a walk around of the property followed to see the areas where the issues are. Some issues require further time and investigation to explore resolution, but there is a definite and sincere desire to work on them between now and the school opening in 2026. Below is a summary of the issues and where they stand.
Multiple and significant discussions with collaboration and a shared desire to address student safety issues have taken place. I further arranged an on-site meeting that took place on Friday January 12 where 18 key staff members and Directors from the Region of Waterloo, WCDSB and City of Kitchener took place. Mayor Berry Vrbanovic attended along with Regional Chair Karen Redman and Councillors Kari Williams and Colleen James. Tyrone Dowling, the Director of Education for the WCDSB also attended. At this meeting, Kitchener's General Manager of Development Services provided an update created by our Director of Transportation Services, Barry Cronkite that explained the progress made by each stakeholder on the issues that have been raised.
There was a very good discussion and a walk around of the property followed to see the areas where the issues are. Some issues require further time and investigation to explore resolution, but there is a definite and sincere desire to work on them between now and the school opening in 2026. Below is a summary of the issues and where they stand.
The Issues Updates as of Thursday January 18
Speed Limits and ASE Camera
City Of Kitchener Responsible and Resolved
Region Of Waterloo Responsible and Resolved
Region Of Waterloo - Committed to Explore Resolution
Pedestrian Safety Issues
City Of Kitchener Responsible and Resolved
Region Of Waterloo Responsible – Committed to Explore Resolution
WCDSB Responsible and Resolved
Neighbourhood Issues
WCDSB Responsible and Resolved
City Of Kitchener Responsible and Resolved
City Of Kitchener – Committed to Explore Resolution
Woolner Heritage Farm Issues
WCDSB Responsible and Resolved
On January 22 after collaborative resolutions had been achieved, Council unanimously approved the zone change.
City Of Kitchener Responsible and Resolved
- School Zone Property on Woolner Trail will be signed at 30 km/h to align with school opening in 2026
Region Of Waterloo Responsible and Resolved
- With WCDSB adding Right in Right out access from Fairway Road, a School Zone at least the length of the school property with a speed limit of 40 km/h and Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) camera will align with the school opening in 2026
Region Of Waterloo - Committed to Explore Resolution
- Establishing a Community Safety Zone to address the area between Eden Oak Trail and Lackner Blvd. Regional Council has a Report on Community Safety Zones coming in early 2024 and will vote on establishing them in school areas. This would allow ASE Camera enforcement.
- Reducing the Speed Limit of 80 from the Fountain Street Roundabout and over the Fairway Road Bridge to make the drop in speed to 60 and then to 40 near Eden Oak Trail less severe. Regional staff are studying this.
- Reducing the Speed in the Roundabout to 30 km/h with signage on both sides of it. This would replicate what has been done on Homer Watson Blvd. Regional Staff are studying this.
Pedestrian Safety Issues
City Of Kitchener Responsible and Resolved
- One Crossing Guard to be installed at the Roundabout, with monitoring taking place and installing more crossing guards if needed.
Region Of Waterloo Responsible – Committed to Explore Resolution
- Installing a Pedestrian Crossing Signal at Eden Oak Trail. Light would remain green, until a pedestrian activates the signal to stop traffic. Region is studying student volumes potentially crossing here and considering neighbourhood benefit for safe crossing after hours to school property and trails.
- Pedestrian Refuge Island in the middle of Fairway Road at Eden Oak Trail. Region is studying as above.
WCDSB Responsible and Resolved
- Installing and maintaining a Multi-Use Trail on Woolner Trail along the school property.
Neighbourhood Issues
WCDSB Responsible and Resolved
- School Bus Staging will be done on the School Property. Buses will use the access points on Woolner Trail. School Bus arrival and departure times will be staggered to accomplish this.
- Parental drop off will be done on the school property with the use of a Kiss and Ride section.
City Of Kitchener Responsible and Resolved
- Seasonal Traffic Calming Measures to be installed in Spring 2024 on Upper and Lower Mercer
- Parking and Stopping on Woolner Trail will be prohibited once school is opened in 2026
- Truck and service vehicle access to the site will be done from School access points on Woolner Trail and from Fairway Road Access points.
City Of Kitchener – Committed to Explore Resolution
- Formal Traffic Calming for Upper and Lower Mercer Drive. More monitoring to take place. Staff will monitor to see if requirements are met and will have measures installed if needed.
- Parking and Stopping restrictions on Upper/Lower Mercer will not be implemented at school opening but will be monitored to see if there are issues. With student drop off accommodated on the school property, it should decrease the need to do student drop off on these streets. This situation will be reviewed once the school opens in 2026 to be sure residents aren’t negatively impacted.
Woolner Heritage Farm Issues
WCDSB Responsible and Resolved
- Trespass/Privacy & Safety Concerns: Chain link fencing between the properties is proposed. This can be changed to a wood fence if requested.
- School Lighting will be turned off as per the City’s policies.
- Noise Concerns: Programmed Events will align with City’s Noise Bylaw.
On January 22 after collaborative resolutions had been achieved, Council unanimously approved the zone change.
The Waterloo Catholic District School Board came to the City of Kitchener Planning Committee Meeting on Monday October 30 to request a zone change to build a new Grade 7 to 12 School at 20 Woolner Trail. It was item 10.3 on the agenda. You can see all the documents related to this request and watch the video from the meeting where the WCDSB and several delegations spoke to the application HERE
With current projections, WCDSB estimates 1,400 students will attend this school. Around 700 students would be bussed with an estimated 14 busses needed.
The decision for the zone change application was deferred until December 11. On December 11, it was further deferred until the January 22, 2024 Council Meeting so all stakeholders, the WCDSB, Region Of Waterloo and City of Kitchener could discuss the safety issues brought up and address them. On January 22 after collaborative resolutions had been achieved, Council unanimously approved the zone change needed.
I created a document to capture and illustrate the shared concerns residents and I have. It was updated on January 22, 2024 to show the resolutions that have been achieved and the status of others. You can read it HERE
I appreciate the genuine efforts of the WCDSB, Region of Waterloo and City of Kitchener staff to work together to resolve the issue. I also appreciate the support of Mayor Vrbanovic and all of Kitchener council for their support and Regional Chair Karen Redman and Councillors Kari Williams and Colleen James for their support. This was a collaborative effort.
Below, outlined in red, is an image of the land where the school is to be located and some of the issues that need to be addressed. There are also a gallery of photos showing the Roundabout crossing area
The WCDSB has responded to addressing the concerns under their jurisdiction. You can read those responses HERE
With current projections, WCDSB estimates 1,400 students will attend this school. Around 700 students would be bussed with an estimated 14 busses needed.
The decision for the zone change application was deferred until December 11. On December 11, it was further deferred until the January 22, 2024 Council Meeting so all stakeholders, the WCDSB, Region Of Waterloo and City of Kitchener could discuss the safety issues brought up and address them. On January 22 after collaborative resolutions had been achieved, Council unanimously approved the zone change needed.
I created a document to capture and illustrate the shared concerns residents and I have. It was updated on January 22, 2024 to show the resolutions that have been achieved and the status of others. You can read it HERE
I appreciate the genuine efforts of the WCDSB, Region of Waterloo and City of Kitchener staff to work together to resolve the issue. I also appreciate the support of Mayor Vrbanovic and all of Kitchener council for their support and Regional Chair Karen Redman and Councillors Kari Williams and Colleen James for their support. This was a collaborative effort.
Below, outlined in red, is an image of the land where the school is to be located and some of the issues that need to be addressed. There are also a gallery of photos showing the Roundabout crossing area
The WCDSB has responded to addressing the concerns under their jurisdiction. You can read those responses HERE
The image below shows where students will have to cross through the roundabout to get to the school. It also shows an issue where some students may attempt crossing Fairway at Eden Oak Trail. A signaled pedestrian crossing like the one on Lackner Blvd at Corfield Drive or stop lighted intersection at Eden Oak Trail were suggested. The Province of Ontario has specific requirements to allow a signalled pedestrian crossing. You can read them HERE From discussions on this The Region of Waterloo is considering a pedestrian controlled signal where the light only turns red when activated by a pedestrian.
Speeds on Fairway Road are also an issue. From our discussions, the following has been achieved. The WCDSB has added access to their property from Fairway Road. This allowed the Region of Waterloo to add a School Zone with a speed limit of 40 km/h and an Automated Speed Enforcement camera prior to the school opening. The Region of Waterloo is also considering lowering the 80 km/h speed limit and having the 60 km/h speed decrease start further away from the school. The speed limit in the Roundabout will be 30 km/h. The Region of Waterloo Council are receiving a report on Community Safety Zones early in 2024. If they pass, speeds can be reduced around school zones. The City of Kitchener is lowering the speed on Woolner Trail in the school area to 30 km/h and are providing a crossing guard for the roundabout. The crossings in the roundabout will be monitored and if more crossing guards are needed, they'll be added. The WCDSB will construct and maintain a multi-use trail on Woolner Trail along their school property.
There is potential for huge congestion causing safety issues along Upper and Lower Mercer and Woolner Trail. Parents may choose to use these streets as a drop off area. To address this the WCDSB will have a student drop off area on their property. School bus drop off and pick ups will be done at staggered times and on school property.
Some images from the Fairway/Woolner/OldZeller Drive Roundabout and Eden Oak Trail at Fairway Rd intersection where students would cross Fairway Road and Woolner Trail.
Taken Monday November 6, 2023 Between 12:50 and 1pm
The update on the safety issues raised can be found HERE
Our Kitchener Representatives on Regional Council:
Colleen James - [email protected]
Michael Harris - [email protected]
Kari Williams - [email protected]
Rob Deutschmann - [email protected]
Berry Vrbanovic [email protected]
Our Kitchener Trustees On The Waterloo Region Catholic District School Board:
Tracey Weiler (Chair) [email protected]
Kathy Doherty-Masters [email protected]
Renee Kraft [email protected]
Winston Francis [email protected]