The Guiding Principles Of this Strategy Are:
Include everyone by providing spaces that are accessible for people of all ages, genders, cultures, abilities, and incomes. Expand the parks system strategically with a focus on community level park services and existing gaps in that service level. Improve existing parks and the recreational components within them. Integrate climate change actions within park planning and improvements. Adapt park uses to suit current and future needs of established and growing communities. Connect all types of parks within the system through planning, physical and visual connections.
To see the Places and Places Strategy click the Place & Spaces image below. The Places portion of the strategy will provide the vision of parks in Kitchener. It's about the amount and size of park space in our city. Places will be about placemaking and creating diverse and functional spaces. Places will explore a wide range of themes in parks, including making equity, accessibility, environmental (habitat, stormwater and climate change), and specific infrastructure planning like playgrounds, sportsfields and dog parks as part of the principles of planning parks.
Spaces will explore the quantity of parks in Kitchener, and their context within the City. It will detail Kitchener’s current inventory, look at the definitions of park space, determine the amount of park space we need and where, and provide or update the tools we can use to acquire those spaces.
In Phase 2 We Looked At Winter Use Of Parks Click the Engage Kitchener image below for updates on the Places and Spaces Survey Process
Thanks for your interest and participation in this important strategy. For the Parks Strategic Page On The City Of Kitchener Website, Click HERE