What Are Your Priorities?
An election is a great time to share what your priorities are for Ward 2 and Kitchener overall.
What matters to you, is important to me.
If re-elected, I'll bring them forward in the next term of council.
Submit them with the form below.
Our Strategic Plan sets the focus and priorities for Council to address. .
Kitchener is looking for input and ideas on the priorities and focus you want for the next term of Council.
You can learn more and submit your input HERE
What matters to you, is important to me.
If re-elected, I'll bring them forward in the next term of council.
Submit them with the form below.
Our Strategic Plan sets the focus and priorities for Council to address. .
Kitchener is looking for input and ideas on the priorities and focus you want for the next term of Council.
You can learn more and submit your input HERE
The progress report on the 2019-2022 Strategic Plan Priorities is HERE